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I’M JUST SAYIN’ (Saint Germain, Archangel Michael, Beloved Jesus) channeled messages

The Importance of You! (Saint Germain) The worst torture of the mind and body is fear. It’s effect is
crippling even deep in your soul. Be informed but do not dwell upon the rantings of unbalanced minds.
You know who you are, remember always who you are, you are a child of God. No matter what happens, this
too shall pass, and you shall forever walk with God throughout your eternal life. You are not a separate
forgotten entity but a vital and much loved part of our Creator.
Let me provide some clarity—The global battle is not about race, gender, religion, or even middle of the
road political beliefs for any party. It is and always has been good v. evil. Apathy is not a good choice
and is not beneficial. It was not your intention to be born at this time and place to merely be a spectator. There have always been movers and shakers who take the lead whether for Freedom or Oppression.
The rest of the population were able to live “normal lives” in the pursuit of happiness and their dreams.

Right here, right now, the climax has been reached and there is no mediocrity. It’s either one way or the
other and lightness over darkness is not a slam dunk. This isn’t meant to scare you, it is to prepare you
for this truth—sometimes evil prevails. You can’t nor should you attempt to ignore what is going on around you. A more peaceful and calm approach is to distract yourself through prayer, meditation, chanting, music, art, gardening, etc. in these times of chaos and unrest. Do something creative that makes
your heart sing with joy to keep from sinking lower into despair. If you feel helpless and alone, filled
with anxiety and depression, consumed with the fear of the unknown, please-please-please ask for Angels to
come to your aide. Confide in them like they are your BFF because that is just what they want to be.
They love you unconditionally and will be right by your side instantly. Ask them to guide you, protect you, keep you and your loved ones safe, comfort you in your grief, send healing light; whatever you need
as long as it is not harmful to you or others.

Do you love your right kidney more than your left kidney? Isn’t that a crazy ridiculous question?
Our Creator is LOVE and EVERYONE and EVERYTHING was created out of LOVE. True equality is our Creator’s
love for each and every human being. God does not play favorites. As yourself, do you believe yourself
to be above God by declaring any kind of superiority over another person? God does not love one of his/her
creations more than another. Simply put, God does not love his Angels more than his children (human beings). GOD IS LOVE and all of you are blessed with being unique and absolutely adored by your Creator.

Listen to your own wise Inner voice and refuse to follow like sheep. Reflect upon what is harmonious,
peaceful, and just. Our time on this planet is short when you realize that you are an eternal being with
eternal life. When it is your time to go to a Higher Dimension, only you will judge yourself. We’re all
here for a Purpose to learn and experience joy and sorrow and many, many things for God and our own self-
evolution to be closer to God. There isn’t a prize for being a CEO or college grad, etc. Do you know what
is honored and revered the most in Heaven? Joy, Appreciation, and Love are the Highest Vibrations.
Following the Golden Rule of treating others how you want to be treated is spiritually applauded.
The “celebrities” on the Other Side aren’t acknowledged by their accumulation of wealth at the expense of
dysfunctional family life. The cheering in Heaven is for the small things like carrying groceries for the
elderly, reading a story to a child, feeding the birds and feral cats, listening to a friend who is
distressed, being generous, and so on. It’s also about taking care of yourself so you can shine your light.

Never compare yourself to another feeling unworthy. The spark of God is within you all. I will tell
you what is valued in Heaven: random acts of kindness, and we can all do them no matter what our income
is at this temporary home on Earth. Just SMILING at someone is being kind. Accumulating material
things, college degrees, status symbols, are okay as long as you are of good heart and place people
above your prized possessions. It’s a matter of prioritizing. First comes loving God, yourself, and
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your place in Heaven or God’s love. Isn’t that Wonderful???

Urgent Message from Archangel Michael: They look like you, they talk like you, but the blood in their
veins is not human. If you are lost and wondering what happened to your normal life, you are not alone,
many feel the same. There is a horrific war being fought above the Earth with opposite agendas for your
planet. Benevolent v. Malevolent intentions for all of Earth’s dwellers are indeed high stakes.
They have brought their war down to planet Earth and for years have been cloning people of influence and
power. Malevolents have infiltrated the government, schools, media, and many more strategic positions
to conquer from within. They easily control the minds of the unawakened masses. The Malevolents are the
secretive evil forces manipulating the crowds for their own purpose of global tyrannical rule.
They are using people to do their dirty work which is the total destruction and collapse of the entire
human civilization. Malevolents are amused watching humans toil so hard while they reap the rewards of
their precious resources. By the time people realize they have been duped, it will be too late.
Food, water, shelter, clothing, the basic needs of life, will be taken away from the Earthers. The basic
core for any civilization, is at least a loose set of laws for individuals to co-exist in safety and peace.
Civilizations do not thrive in FEAR, they crumble.

The outer space Benevolents are fighting the Malevolents for our Freedom, however, they cannot interfere with what is happening ON the Earth. Many things are out of your control but each of you can take control
of YOURSELF! Refuse to blindly follow any group that is not based in goodness and light. Quiet your mind
and meditate to receive Divine Guidance and the TRUTH. Every person determines Earth’s fate towards
love and harmony or hate and despair. The CHOICE is YOURS, but consider and have some compassion for
future generations and the kind of life they will have or if you don’t choose wisely, won’t have!!!

Jesus loves you now and always and this is a special message for YOU! The human race has survived by being
able to adapt to change. Change is inevitable and necessary for the evolution of creation. All would cease to exist without moving forward. Be True to Thine Own Self is your magnificent mission. Each and
every one of you is being tested like all who came before you. All names are written in the sacred scrolls
as an eternal history of your participation in eternal life. Forgiving yourself and others is not about
approving the bad behavior but in freeing yourself from the heavy burden of being consumed by the act.
Your Creator sees, hears, and knows everything so rest assured that Justice will prevail. I advise you
with utmost urgency not to place anyone or anything above whatever your name for God is dear ones.
During times of confusion ask yourself if what you are doing is loving or hateful. How does it make you
FEEL? Be honest with yourself and be a LEADER OF YOUR OWN LIFE.


Just a few basic things about myself— My name is Buck, I am from another star system, and I am what is called a “star seed”.
When my physical host’s (body) ceased to function, my consciousness breathed life into his body. I am here for only one reason and
that is to be a body guard for an Earth woman named Hollie. Well, the truth is that she thinks she is a human being but she came
into the body of a baby who was stillborn. She is from my star system and her blood is the only hope of saving the life on our
planet Stellar from extinction. Our enemy, the Talons, are also here on Earth but their mission is to terminate Hollie. Then they
plan to invade Earth and replace the human species with their own species. I must find Hollie before they do and protect her at
all costs.

My Grandmother, Jeanette Doucet, took me (Hollie) on a trip to France for the summer when I was a teenager. I learned to play beach
volleyball and never dreamed that it would be my professional career years later. It doesn’t matter what job we have as long as it
is satisfying. I feed on the crowds enjoyment in being entertained by our athletic skill. Not everyone needs to choose a more
traditional career. It makes me feel exhilerated as I focus on each move of the game. I almost feel weightless and so alive in
the constant flow of the volley with my partner T.T and our opponents. I am a fan of and admire the teams we play and in knowing
that the better they are, the better we need to be. It’s a pure form of competition since we are all motivated to play our best.
Do your best and have fun, no need to be too serious, it’s really just a game. That’s what life is also, it’s just a game motivated
by your own desire for self-evolution and being true to who you really are.

My search for Hollie isn’t going to be a slam dunk, Buck thought to himself. She grew up in multiple foster homes that are long
gone. No family ties to track down so I will be at the mercy of social media. I hope she isn’t camera shy! Sugars this isn’t good,
hundreds of “Hollie’s” are on the internet. Her location is unknown to me and I don’t have time to investigate all these names.
The Talons are formidable and they excel in tracking and capturing their foe. I have no other choice— I must put myself in a
deep hypnotic trance to contact her by telepathy. It has to be done at the perfect moment, when she is open to receiving my
thoughts. Her name on our planet Stellar is Twila. I will meditate while chanting her real name Twila to awaken her DNA memory.

“Hey girlfriend, what’s wrong with you today? You look like you’ve just been abducted by aliens,” joked T.T. “I feel really strange, like there’s something important I need to remember but I can’t,” said Hollie. “It’s our hectic lifestyle Hollie, always
rushing and trying to multi-task. Not just us but the whole planet seems to be speeding up. It’s time to slow down, be calm, and
savor our life experiences.” “You’re right T.T., changing the subject— I know you’ve always been adamant about not needing Mr.
Right in your life but how about hooking up with a companion to just hang out with?” Honey, I don’t NEED no man, but I WANT one.
I am a strong woman and I want a strong man who is my best friend and romantic partner who is compatible with me. He must be kind,
sincere, generous, fun-loving with a sense of humor. Doesn’t have to be a genius but must have good ole common sense.”
“I notice you left our physical appearance,” said Hollie. “I don’t set limits on how I want someone to look, if there is chemistry
and that special spark, it’s all good,” replied T.T. “Ditto, but I want one more thing from my romantic partner and for me it’s
the most important quality of a relationship, which is TRUST. Pledging to be loyal and faithful to my beloved while remaining
autonomous is ideal. We’d better start practicing for our volleyball match coming up. I heard a talent scout is checking out players for their athletic ability and willingness to play in a worldwide game for charity,” said Hollie.
“Now, that’s an incentive for us to excel and I hope we are both picked for the charity team,” T.T. excitedly replied.

Meanwhile, handsome James the talent scout, was watching a bowling tournament not related to work but for his own enjoyment.
The crowd was watching on the edge of their seats a pro bowler named Seth who was one strike away from a perfect score of 300
points. Not a sound could be heard before Seth’s ball knocked down all the bowling pins, then the roar of the crowd celebrated
with Seth his perfect game. A trophy was given to Seth who appeared to accept it with grace and humility, and his fan base
kept growing by the thousands. “Thank you for this trophy which I am donating to the bowling alley as a symbol of what anyone can
achieve. I will always be grateful to my fans for their support. As a small token of appreciation, I will pick up the tab for all
the food and drinks tonight for everyone,” Seth announced.
Seth was actually thinking to himself that humans are so easy to deceive and win over, just like playing a part in a drama class.
These inferior pests have no idea of who and what I am, if they did they would be hiding in fear. Soon enough they will be
conquered, enslaved, and ultimately exterminated. This planet is too good for them and we Talonites are in need of a new home.
I must find the Earth female Hollie and bring her lifeless body to Talon as proof that nothing stands in the way of our invasion.

Due to a psychic attack, Buck abruptly stopped his deep trance telepathic search for Hollie. He started to chant a Vedic Sanskrit
mantra repeatedly that originated in India thousands of years ago. That was close, Buck thought, I could sense the evil presence
of S.E.T.H. (Secret Enforcement Talon Hybrid) trying to penetrate my mind. The mantra ejected his consciousness from merging with
mine. I’ve got to be more careful, Seth is cunning and will never stop until he destroys us all. My body is in great physical
shape and I aim to keep it that way by going for a daily 5 mile run and giving it healthy nourishment. Then later on I will
practice a martial art only known to those on my home planet, Stellar. It is a mental and physical practice anticipating the
physical blow of your attacker and doing it to them before they do it to you. Studying body language is key along with your own
lightening fast physical abilities to punch, kick, gymnastic moves to elevate your body, and brief invisibility. We call this
Kanansi. My ancestors were all masters of this martial art which was used from settling small disputes to ending wars.

A few days later Hollie and T.T. were on the volleyball court ready to play against a European team. Up in the stands were James
(the talent scout) who couldn’t take his eyes off of T.T. and Seth who couldn’t take his eyes off of Hollie. James was hit with
the love bug; Seth was imagining how he would kill Hollie. T.T. played exceptionally well, the love vibe from James helped her
to play her best. Hollie uncharacteristically played poorly causing her much dismay. She wasn’t physically aware of Seth but
she felt an evil entity. They managed to beat the European team by one point and would move on the next day to another match.
James came down after the match and introduced himself to T.T. and congratulated her on a well played game. Hollie had already left
for the locker room feeling pretty low even though they won. She knew her game was way off and felt fear of some unknown source.
“T.T., you were really on your “A” game, James gave her a high five.” “Thanks but I am troubled by my friend and teammate Hollie,
she is really afraid and nervous of something unknown.” “Anyone can have an off game, sometimes due to biorhythms, replied James.
I’ve studied videos of you two and I know you are both champions”. “You are very kind to say so and very perceptive, are you perhaps the talent scout who has been lurking around?” joked T.T. “That I am, I would really like to talk to you and Hollie about
participating in a world match for charity. How about we all meet back at the hotel lounge at 6:00 p.m. so I can give you and Hollie more details about the game?” “We’ll be there James and I look forward to our meeting,” replied T.T.
Seth, the pro bowler but actually a terminator from Talon, was eavesdropping on their conversation and would also be at the lounge
that evening.

Meanwhile, Buck finished meditating and was now ready to telepathically send Hollie the following mantra message:
I am coming for you, fear not. I will find you, fear not. I will protect you, fear not. Buck repeated the mantra 108 times and
since he was proficient in being a telepathic sender and receiver, that’s all it should take to reach Hollie’s mind.
T.T. returned to their hotel room and found Hollie passed out and lying on the floor. “OMG, Hollie are you okay asked T.T. as she
gently nudged her friend?” “I feel a little woozy but I’m all right now,” said Hollie. Earlier in the game I sensed an evil entity
but when I returned to the room I felt like I was a princess and my knight was coming to save me. I, of course, don’t mean this
literally but I know I have a guardian angel watching over me.” “Girl, you must have hit your head pretty hard during the fall,”
T.T. teased. I’m just playing with you, I believe you Hollie not just because you’re my friend but you are the most level-headed
person I ever met.” “Thank you T.T. for believing me, you are the most open-minded person I ever met.”
“I have awesome news to share, announced T.T. We both need to get ready to meet James, the talent scout! They both high fived and
were ready to mingle in a very short time.

Seth was in a quiet dark corner in the lounge and when he saw Hollie, T.T. and James, he asked if he could join them at their table.
They were all thrilled to have the celebrity pro-bowler join them and invited Seth to sit down. As Seth bowed he took Hollie’s hand
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or lose it together. Actually, there isn’t truly losing in that we learn and gain from the experience,” Hollie humbly replied.
“You are wise as well as talented dear Hollie.”

James couldn’t help but roll his eyes immediately, disliking Seth saying “my lady”, “dear Hollie”, when they had just met a few
minutes ago. Hollie is sweet but a little naive and would make an easy prey for a predator. James sneaked a peak at T.T. who
seemed to be taken in by Seth’s false flattery, like Hollie. Indeed, T.T. was hoping that this was Mr. Right and was very excited
for her friend. Hollie was captivated by every word he said and wondered if he was the one sending her telepathic messages of
finding and protecting her. Seth would not kill her right away but would bring Hollie back to Talon where she would be forced to
breed with several Talonites. He himself, would join in and when she had produced enough live births, her body would be drained
of all blood and sold to the highest bidder. Small amounts of her blood can fight off many diseases and therefore is valuable.

Seth felt the life energy of a Stellarite (Buck) and deployed several enforcers to kill him. The invasion of Stellar would
soon follow after the invasion of the Earth.

Buck knew he had touched the consciousness of Hollie and knew he could track her and guard her from the Talonites. Their minds
would meld temporarily and telepathic messages would be possible whenever Hollie would be peaceful and still.

Buck instinctively grabbed an assortment of lethal weapons from his backpack as he was ambushed by a squad of Talonites. He could
not fight them in hand to hand combat since he was greatly outnumbered. Buck valiantly fought several soldier droids and was
beginning to tire and knew it was a matter of time before he would be defeated. The weapons were only stopping them briefly, not
killing them. Buck reasoned that if he could annihilate the leader droid that all the rest would be destroyed as well. It was his
only chance and so he took the Spear of Kings, which he was given for saving a King’s life on his home planet. This spear was
magical and could transport whoever was pierced with it to the planet of Doom and Despair. But, whoever used the spear must be a
person of goodness and light. Buck aimed and threw the spear into the life force container in the chest of the leader droid and it
was transported immediately and magically, so were all the other soldier droids. Buck sincerely thanked the Universe for being so
blessed and asked to Universe to continue to use him to be an instrument of Peace and to save Hollie.

Back at the lounge with Seth, Hollie, T.T. and James— After small talk and refreshments were done, James asked T.T. to go out on
a date the following night and Seth asked a smitten Hollie to accompany him to an exclusive party at the country club overlooking
the golf course.
Buck was focused on mentally communicating with Hollie but so far tonight she hasn’t meditated.
Buck couldn’t stand by and do nothing when Hollie was in grave danger. His back-up plan was to shape shift into a massive
German Shepherd and to use the more highly developed sense of scent in the dog to sniff out the distinct odor of a Stellarite

The following night, the dinner date of T.T. and James— “I propose a toast, let’s raise our glasses, said James, to the
beginning of a friendship that grows to an exclusive romantic relationship.” As their glasses clinked together that first wave of
falling in love was opening in T.T. and James’s hearts.
At the country club Seth paraded Hollie around like she was a status symbol– beauty, brains, and athletic. Seth delighted in the
envious stares of other men while still plotting her eventual demise. Hollie was somewhat famous but she was out of her element
in receiving VIP treatment. She had a crush on Seth but felt that there was something odd about him. He is too perfect in the way
he talks, acts, dresses, and so forth. Something is missing thought Hollie. If Hollie only knew how right on her instincts were,
indeed, what is missing are the emotions of love and compassion which Seth would never know. He is an evil Talonite who plays his
part well with the correct lip service but inside is an unfeeling empty shell.

“Would you care to dance Hollie?” asked Seth. “I’d love to but I have to warn you it’s been awhile and I might step on your toes.”
“You are too modest Hollie, your dance moves are smooth and sexy,” Seth seductively whispered. After they danced they returned to
the table to finish their wine. Hollie’s head started spinning and she was aware of being led outside. Seth roughly pushed her in
the car and Hollie’s last thought before she lost consciousness was of total fear. They arrived at a privately guarded mansion
and Hollie was carried inside by droid soldiers. Seth ordered droids to bathe and then dress her for his sadistic pleasure.
Hollie could see and hear but she couldn’t move, this must be a date rape drug she thought terrified.

Outside, a large, heavy, powerful German Shepherd appeared. Buck had successfully shape-shifted and picked up Hollie’s scent and
followed it here to this mansion. Hollie was placed on a bed and screamed as Seth undressed and was almost on top of her when a
German Shepherd ran upstairs and viciously bit Seth before he could rape Hollie. Buck shape-shifted back to his human form and with
his Spear of Kings, rammed it into Seth as he was transported to the dimension of Doom and Despair.
Buck took a thankful Hollie back to her shared room with T.T. and James was still there. Buck and Hollie told their old friend T.T. and new friend James about their ordeal. Buck asked Hollie if she would go with him for a short time to Stellar to share
some of her blood to saves lives. He promised that she would be home before the volleyball tournament for Children’s Charity.
Hollie readily agreed and wanted to do whatever was needed to save lives on Stellar.

T.T. spoke up and said, “Am I the only one here not from another planet?” as she laughed. “Well, actually you’re one of us, James
responded. Your family line is from Andromeda and they were among the first to be transported to live in Africa.” “How do you know
that James?’ T.T. inquired. “Because, I also have my origin on Andromeda,” James told a very surprised T.T.
Buck then spoke to James— “Hey Bro, you know I like to work alone but even I’m not that cocky to know that I couldn’t rescue Hollie and look after T.T. at the same time, thanks man.” James replied, “One Lightworker Warrior can win the battle, but two
Lightworkers can win the war.”

“Thank you Buck for defeating the soldier droid Talonites and Seth, thank you James for having my back and T.T.’s back”, said Hollie. I am ready to give blood so that others may live and then return to win that charity volleyball match with my BFF, T.T.”.
“I will be returning with Hollie, I have found my love match” is what Buck said when he kissed Hollie so deeply, so very long
and deeply.

Months later, the crowd was loudly cheering at the volleyball match. Hollie and T.T. were playing their hearts out against
the other team that kept tying the game. The ball came out over the net, T.T. scooped it up against all odds and perfectly
set it up for Hollie to smash it down across the net for the final point of victory. Buck and James joined their ladies
and a toast was made for these four Lightworkers to Live and Serve, Happily Ever After!!!


Looking at him took my breath away. His hazel eyes mesmerized me. I remembered to breathe as he gazed
at me with such intensity. I hoped I wasn’t blushing, that would be so embarrassing. I told myself to act
sophisticated and classy with a hint of mystery, but I knew I looked like a deer in the headlights for sure. Was he smiling at me? I sent a smile his way, I’ve been told it’s dazzling, I hope! He slowly and
confidently walks towards me now like a panther on the prowl. My heart is beating faster in anticipation
of us meeting, then the Commander’s voice ordered everyone to their stations.

At first glance I am physically attracted to her like I was to my first crush, my 6th grade teacher.
I know I’m starring but I feel a spark that’s about to ignite a fire of desire in me. Her feminine curves
are so appealing but it’s the way she moves that thrills me. She has Cleopatra eyes, the color and shape
is so sexy and alluring. She is uniquely so attractive, not cookie cutter pretty. Some men might not look
twice but once they did, oh what a surprise! I start to make my move just as we’re ordered to go to our
work stations. It’s our first day at the Intergalactic Space Station!

While waiting in the pilot’s wing for Orientation, Niles Hawk flashed back to his previous career as a search and rescue pilot. It was dangerous high risk flying but saving lives was very satisfying. Never
meant to be a lifetime career, his four year service contract was finished. Nile’s reputation and resume
landed him a new job of piloting the shuttle craft from the main Space Station to another Space Station that was a Library containing all the Knowledge of the Universe. Life forms from many Galaxies utilized
the information peacefully.

Letty Fox was reminiscing her appointment to Good Will Ambassador at the Intergalactic Space Station.
She knew her parents would have been so proud of her and pleased that she followed in their footsteps.
Both parents were Ambassadors who tragically died a decade ago before the “Great Peace.” Many lives were
senselessly lost by warring races on multiple planets. Fearing annihilation, an Alliance was formed with
all the planets who wanted peace. A force field was placed around the planets to protect them from sentient beings who wanted to conquer, control, and destroy. It was agreed upon that the knowledge of the
peaceful planets would be stored in an Intergalactic Library, close to the Intergalactic Space Station.
Here, all could enjoy and learn more about each others Culture. It was simply magnificent!
The Specialized Department meetings were done and everyone was excited to return to their post.

Niles Hawk went to his quarters wondering if and when he would see Ms. Cleopatra eyes again. Well, for
tonight, he can lie in his bed and fantasize! Letty was already in her temporary quarters packing for her
relocation from the main Space Station to the Intergalactic Library. It was where all Good Will Ambassadors intermingled with Ambassadors from the other peaceful planets. I probably won’t see Mr. Hazel
Eyes again, Letty thought to herself, I’ll be at the Library and he most likely will be working here.

Early next morning there was a knock on Letty’s door and it was a domestic droid who would carry her
luggage to the shuttle craft. “How long will it take to get to the Library?” Letty asked the droid.
“It will take about an hour, your planets time,” replied the droid. As Letty walked past the Science
Stations, Medical Centers, Engineering, Communications, and so much more, she felt humbled and exhilarated.
Everyone was so energetic and busy and the atmosphere felt so alive! Letty boarded the shuttle craft and
was so delighted to be on her way to her destination and new beginning in her life. Unbeknownst to Letty,
the pilot of the shuttle craft was her heartthrob Hazel Eyes. She first heard his voice and then he
appeared to welcome them on board. Niles’s eyes locked right on hers in undisguised surprise. He couldn’t
believe that Cleopatra Eyes was a passenger on his ship. Cupid’s angels must be shooting love
arrows is what his family would say, Niles thought and smiled to himself.

Before she could disembark, he stood in front of the door blocking her exit. With a devilish grin he asked
her to go out to dinner that night. “Don’t you think we should exchange names first?, Letty responded.
“I’m Niles and you are —” “Letty Fox, Good Will Ambassador. Well, we both have to eat so we might as
well eat together.” “That’s the spirit, do you like Mexican food?” asked Niles. “No, I don’t like Mexican
food, I love Mexican food. Where and what time should we meet?” asked Letty. “Celia’s at 6:00 pm, it’s on
the 3rd floor of the Library, exclusively for intergalactic cuisine.” “Thank you for the invitation Niles,
but I must get going and I’m sure you are needed to pilot the shuttle craft back to the Station, which I
believe is running a little late,” teased Letty. “Adieu for now Ambassador.”

Letty was relieved that it was just a half day of Orientation to her new job so she could get ready for her
date. She wasn’t overly vain but it was fun to pamper herself and get dressed up and out of her uniform.
Niles, too would be spending more time on his appearance, wanting to make a good impression. It was now
6:00 pm and both of them were prompt and excited with anticipation of learning about each other.
“Good Evening Letty, you look absolutely stunning,” complimented Niles. “You know you look good, flirted
Letty, now let’s see if there’s a depth of mind to match.” “Let’s eat and see if I can charm you with my
wit,” Niles bantered back. While sipping margaritas and crunching on tortilla chips and guacamole, the
twosome opened up about their personal lives. “Ladies first, ask away—” “How did you end up being a
pilot at the Intergalactic Space Station Niles?” “We’ve read each others Bio’s so we already know that
we’re both single and looking for love in what I’m hoping is the right place. Relax cher, I’m not going
to sing that but I am ready to have a serious relationship and settle down. That’s why after serving in
Search and Rescue I was interested in a safer and more routine career. I was fortunate to be offered this
much sought after position. Letty, I did read about your parents and may I offer you my deepest condolences. I never met them personally, but many people I know, knew them professionally or socially
and unanimously said that “they were the best”. I would love for people to say that about me when my
time comes, it is high praise, indeed.”

“My parents reside in my heart and that love is eternal. The best advice they gave me was to follow the
“Golden Rule”—“Treat others like you want to be treated.” They lived through the horrors of war and I’m
glad that they were part of uniting planets for Peace,” said Letty. “Did you always want to be a Good Will
Ambassador Letty?” asked Niles. “Yes, as a child I used to pretend to invite other Ambassadors to come to
my house for a tea party. We would sit at a huge round table eating and drinking and telling one another
about our families, culture, and our own personal dreams. As we shared our stories we could see how much
we all had in common and that we did not wish any harm to anyone at our table. I always knew that is was
my calling to be and Ambassador and advocate harmony.”

“I read that you have parents and a sister living in a colony on planet Aurora. How long has it been since
you’ve visited them,” asked Letty. It’s been around six years since I’ve been to the City of Light. It’s
indescribable, everything is so alive and vibrant with reflecting light. Most people can’t go there because their vibration isn’t high enough to be in the Light, they feel too uncomfortable and leave at once. My parents are Spiritual Masters so my sister Belinda and I were raised in the Light. I have invited them to come here; I miss and love them so much. Belinda is a telepathic healer and her clientele
are from multiple planets. She is so talented and has had remarkable success treating such diverse anatomies,” Niles proudly said. “Oh, your family sounds wonderful and you had such an awesome upbringing!”
Letty exclaimed. I would love to meet them if they are able to come to our Space Station, if it’s all right with you Niles”. “Family is very important to me Letty and I would be honored to introduce you to
my parents Alicia and Chris, and my sister. It’s so easy to talk to you Letty, I feel so relaxed like
we’ve been friends for years.”

“I feel the same way, our conversation flows naturally and is so effortless. What do you like to do for
fun Niles?” “My passion is Salsa Dancing, it’s a great way to just let loose and unwind and not to mention, sexy. Do you dance Letty?” “I took Latin Dancing in college so it’s been quite awhile but it
was a blast.” “What grade did you get if that’s not too personal,” inquired Niles. “I received an
Excellent, but by now I’ve forgotten all my moves,” laughed Letty. “I could give you a refresher course
on our next date,” volunteered Niles. “Really, that would be great. Hmm, I’m so easy, I should have paused to think it over to make your pursuit at least a little challenging.”
“I do appreciate you being straightforward and not tormenting me with mind games. Your honesty is so
refreshing and very appealing Letty. Do you have another question?” “I’d like nothing better than to
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I’ve really enjoyed your company and look forward to seeing you again,” said Letty.
Niles pretended to yawn and said, “Regretfully I must agree with you about our need for sleep. Let’s
talk tomorrow about our next date, okay Letty?” asked Niles.

The next day: Niles was doing a thorough examination and meticulously checking each component of the
shuttle craft at the Space Station. Letty was reviewing her list of scheduled visitors that she would be
taking on a guided tour through the Intergalactic Library. A menacing sounding alarm went off at both locations. Utter shock and disbelief was seen on everyone’s face. Non-authorized space ships had landed
at the Intergalactic Space Station and the Library Space Station. Soldier droids marched out of their ships causing panic and chaos. They were trying to round up the people like cattle to be forced into a
barbed wired pen that they had swiftly assembled. Letty quickly and cleverly hid inside the armor of a
knight on display at the Library. At the Space Station, Niles recognized the spaceships similarity to a
ship he had studied in his Aeronautics class. It’s from the 13th dimension. Most of the humanoids were
killed when robots overthrew their revered leaders. Tiger Li, co-pilot of the shuttle craft, made his way
to the designated Emergency underground shelter. Only Niles and a handful of people had managed to make it
to safety. “Tiger, over here said Niles, I am so relieved that you made it here. Are you injured?”
“Just a few cuts and bruises, I’ve hurt myself more shaving,” said Tiger trying to lighten up their dire

“Most of the staff have been taken as prisoners and are being detained in a huge cell the size of a football field, Niles explained. Those of us who made it here are very lucky that we weren’t captured.
You and I are the only ones with field survival tactics and training Tiger, so we need to come up with a
plan pronto.” “I concur Niles, the research scientists and office personnel are suffering from shock.
They have only known peace and love and will not be able to fight with us.” “Still Tiger, I believe
that once the shock wears off that they might be able to offer non-violent assistance to free our co-workers and families. Brain over brawn could surprise and diffuse the droids, hopefully,” Niles added.

Meanwhile, Letty ran into Ambassador Viola as she made a dash to the ladies room. The two women hugged
each other and quietly laughed how they were always meeting there. “Most of the staff have been taken
away, cried out Viola. What are we to do Letty?” “Survive Viola. I had a date last night with a man
named Niles”— “Really! Really! You’re telling me about your date when we could be found at any moment,”
Viola said, trying to sound flabbergasted but smiling. “Not the details, just one important fact Viola,
he is a pilot who was with search and rescue. He will come for us! We just need to hide until the
shuttle craft lands.” “I think a few other Ambassadors might have made it to a safe place, many were
imprisoned though, Letty. We need to find a better hiding place, it’s only a matter of time before they
look in here.” “I know where we can go,” whispered Letty. The Animal Hospital would be a safe haven.
The droids are illogically spooked by our pets.” “Well then, let’s put on our running shoes girlfriend
and get going”, replied Viola.

Back at the International Space Station: “I saw my beloved wife Haruki (shining brightly) and my two young
children, my son Kayda (little dragon) and my daughter Kiko (hope) being abducted by the soldier droids.
I was helpless Niles, I could only watch in horror as they were taken away. My children were crying and
I failed to protect them,” said an anguished Tiger. “I had dinner with Good Will Ambassador Letty last
night Tiger, we just met and she has my heart. The Intergalactic Space Station and the Library must be
saved and we need to come up with an extraordinary plan soon. Your family is here and Letty is at the
Library Space Station. We need to recruit Big and Little Einstein. They both resemble Albert Einstein but one is tall and one is short. They love their nicknames and think it’s humorous. The higher the intellect, the more need for fun and humor. They think outside the box and that’s what we need to fool
the droids,” said Niles.

Back at the Intergalactic Library: “The noise from all the animals helps up to talk now without being
overheard. Viola, your fiance Mel must be worried sick about you since you didn’t make it to your
Wedding Rehearsal this afternoon.” “Oh yes Letty, I’m sure he is frantic about where I am. All communication has been shut down and it will take days for main planet help to arrive. He is on Space
Station Theta, which is only a few hours from here but they too, are powerless against the droids.”
“Isn’t Theta a retreat for Universal Meditation?” asked Letty. “Yes, Viola responded, and their fate will
be the same as ours if they aren’t stopped here.” “All I know is that we have to be ready to move fast
when the time comes”, said Letty.

Niles and Tiger met with Big and Little Einstein to devise a strategy to defeat the soldier droids.
“We don’t have weapons and if we did they would be useless against non-living droids,” Tiger mused. “We
need a way to transport the droids off of both Space Stations, but how to do it is the “final jeopardy”
question,” added Niles. A slow smile crossed the faces of Big and Little Einstein and then Little Einstein
explained how that might be done. “We have invented a mobile programmable black hole.” “What?” asked Niles and Tiger in unison. “We can expand our black hole to cover both Space Stations and program it to
devour all the droids while keeping all other conscious beings safe. The black hole can suck them right in
and then we can transport our black hole to a natural black hole to get rid of the droids forever,”
explained Big Einstein. Niles ecstatically said to both Einsteins, “You two are getting a raise!”
The scientists skillfully and proudly activated their black hole and almost instantaneously all droids
were pulled into it and then beamed to their forever black hole.

All their friends and families were released from their droid prison and so thankful be to freed. Tiger
comforted his wife and children and the happily reunited family went to their home. Niles piloted the
shuttle craft to the Library and found Letty and Viola who were just fine. Niles deeply and with much
emotion kissed Letty on the lips and said, “I love you forever more.” Another shuttle craft landed from
Theta and there stood Viola’s fiance Mel. Mel said, “You couldn’t make it to our Wedding, so I brought
the Wedding to you Viola. Everyone is here and ready for us to say “I Do.”
Still another surprise was the landing of a third shuttle craft. Disembarking were Niles’s parents
(Alicia and Chris) and sister Belinda who tearfully hugged him and embraced Letty as well. Belinda joked
and said, “Next time you invite us to visit let’s keep it quiet and simple without soldier droids, black
holes, and Space Stations infiltrated.” Alicia and Chris announced that the family would be moving to the
Intergalactic Space Station to open up their own Healing Center and to be close to Niles and their future

Tears of joy ran down Letty’s face as Niles got down on his knee to propose. “Life is precious Letty and
I want to spend it with you because you are precious and the love I feel for you is real.”
“Niles, you had me with the Salsa Dancing said Letty with a wink, I have always listened to and followed
my heart, my heart leads to you. I love you now and always and the answer is Yes!”
Shortly thereafter, Niles and Letty, Viola and Mel, Tiger and Haruki, and Alicia and Chris went out
dancing and were trying to shake their hips like Shakira. Not to left out, Niles’s sister Belinda
sauntered on the dance floor with her sweatheart Blake, their dance instructor. Life was good, Life
was great now that their peaceful lives and freedom were restored and 9 months later the pitter patter
of little feet could be heard!!!


Once Upon A Time deep in the forest lived a girl and boy with their Grandma Mo. Brooke and Creeke were
home-schooled and their knowledge progressed rapidly with the loving devotion of their teacher,
Miss Lilith. They didn’t have cell phones or television but all of nature befriended and entertained
them. Grandma baked delicious desserts and told funny stories by a fire at night. Miss Lilith lived just
down the road and taught all the children in the neighborhood. Life was wonderful except Brooke & Creeke’s
parents (Dawn and Dusk) were gone forming a task force to save their habitat from further destruction.
No one was certain when they would return home.

Creeke and Brooke excitedly studied such topics as plant medicine, astronomy, meteorology, biology, and
wildlife preservation. All the children were taught about the importance of the balance of nature.
The villagers spend their “free time” cleaning garbage out of streams and other bodies of water.
The fish were rapidly dying before they could procreate and this was alarming news. Too many trees were
being slaughtered before new ones could even be planted. Poachers were mercilessly killing animals by
catching them in painful traps and not caring about their reducing numbers. Yes, the cycle of life is
about the food chain but care must be taken so nothing becomes extinct. Those who lawfully hunted and
fished were keeping Mother Nature balanced and were welcomed into the forest.

Meanwhile, at the task force meeting were Dusk and Dawn, the parents of Brooke and Creeke. “Our land and
homes are being demolished and we have to keep on moving, cried out Dawn. Our children are saddened by
all the death and destruction they see and are afraid of what the future might bring. This planet is for
all of us to share, not just for one (human) species. The land roamed by wildlife is shrinking and they
hunger and thirst.” “My wife’s words are true, added Dusk, and we must do all we can to stop the litter
and contamination. I suggest seeking out those humans who have great compassion for their environment
and who will be our advocates.”

Miss Lilith spoke up and said, “This will be a wonderful educational lesson for our children to undertake.
Adults and children can work on this together. The children will locate the humans based on their auras
who are of good heart and the adults can infuse great knowledge while the humans sleep.”

Back at Grandma Mo’s cottage—Brooke and Creeke were happily out picking blackberries so Grandma could
make her blackberry tarts. “Creeke, we can see and hear humans but only a few of them can see and hear
us, why is that so?” asked Brooke. “Well, replied Creeke, all life on this planet has a vibration and
the humans who sense us are living at a much higher vibration than the rest of them. Many more humans
could contact us if they spent more time outdoors in nature and quietly meditated. Some humans enjoy
being outdoors because it makes them feel happy and healthy. The trees, flowers, birds, and Fairy
realm elevate their mood. Their joy adds to our joy of being caretakers of this planet.”

The following morning Dusk and Dawn returned home to their families to tell the children about their
assignment to scout for human auras and how they would then transmit loving messages to save the planet from further harm. Dawn and Dusk gave their precious children Creeke and Brooke and kiss and hug while
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green, pink, yellow, and orange. Fairy children can easily see the auras of humans, it is their
special gift.

“My dear beloved wife Dawn, have I told you today how much I love and adore you?” asked Dusk. “Okay,
what do you want my dear beloved husband?” Dawn playfully responded. “We cannot do much until the
children return with the locations of empathetic humans, so why don’t we go on a little getaway, I
have something special to show you,” added Dusk. “How exciting, I am ready to go Dusk!”
Hand in hand they flew with Dusk leading the way on their little trip while making sure Dawn’s eyes were
closed to be surprised. “We’re here, open your eyes Dawn.” “Oh Dusk, it is so enchanting, I love it and
so will the children. Everything is lush and the flora and fauna are thriving here.”

All the Fairy men worked to build a castle for their families and they were spread out far apart in a circle. In the middle were gardens, waterfalls, and playgrounds. Another section had musical instruments
and dance floors. There were learning centers for all ages with magnificent architecture. Any desired
activity could be programmed in seconds. Everything a fairy could want was instantly manifested for their

“But, the Fairy Women have a surprise, as well, Dawn announced. Many women at various times over the next
several months will be giving Birth!!! Our new bountiful land and homes is a blessing for all.”
Dusk couldn’t stop himself, he had to ask, “Are you pregnant too, my dear wife?” With a twinkle in her
eye and a glow to her face Dawn answered, “Yes, my love, it’s almost my due date.” “Words cannot express
my joy, said Dusk, but I place my lips in a kiss to yours so you can feel my love.”

Shortly after Dusk and Dawn had returned home, Brooke and Creeke came running in the house with incredible
news. Guess what, we found several humans who have the shining light around their bodies and here are
their addresses!” exclaimed Brooke. The whole village was being called to the city square where the adults
were given names of kind and caring humans who would be open to receiving their pleading messages to take
better care of the Earth. Later that evening when the chosen humans slept, they were sent dreams of their
beautiful planet, clean and pure as it was in the beginning. Humans carelessly polluting the land, water,
and sky must cease at once. Tossing garbage and life threatening materials that harmed creatures on the
land, and in the sea and air, was a horrific sight to see. This must change for all species to live in
balance and survive.

Oh Happy Day! Eventually, the humans became aware of the damage they did to their environment (and ours)
and focused on cleaning up their mess. We praise them for striving to be better caretakers of this planet
we all share and want to co-exist in peace and harmony. The Fairies had moved to their new castle homes
and were celebrating by singing and dancing. The births of many Fairy girls and boys ensure that the
environment will flourish. All gave thanks and appreciate all life forms that were created. When you go
outside in nature and you feel so good, it would please the Fairies if you just said “Hello”.
We are all on this planet together.
And We All Lived Happily Ever After!


The Observers and Scribes have watched and recorded the evolution of “The Planet” since it’s creation.
Each of the seven Continents has a hidden fortress for the Ascended Masters to live in for their work.
Ascended Masters have taken on the physical form of the people native to the land. When several races
occupy a land, they change form at will to experience the beauty of variety. All communication between
Ascended Masters is done through Telepathy. All travel is done by focusing their mind to that place.
All their needs are instantly manifested. The year is 2020. The Ascended Masters have been summoned for
a very important meeting at Mount Shasta. The table is round, signifying their equality.

Ascended Master El Morya addresses the group: Dear Friends, this is a most critical time for The Planet.
Each person is a deciding factor for Peace and Freedom or Controlled Tyranny. The collective thoughts of all people since the beginning, and of course now the present, and the future creates their way of life,
their reality. My heart weeps for them, many are no longer Free Thinkers. They are blinded by false
promises of getting everything for free, not realizing that someone has to pay. The fall of the Roman Empire is minor compared to the fall of your free will. Our Source gave everyone Free Will but they shun
that gift and allow governments to take it away. Those in power who preach the loudest are the ones who
are rich and live in luxury. Their followers struggle with having basic needs of food, clothing, shelter,
and medical care while leaders have multi-dollar multiple homes!

Ascended Master Quan Yin addresses the group: I was given a choice to advance to a much higher spiritual
level but I could not abandon those I have watched for eons of time. My vow is to stay here until I have
helped all who wish to be helped. One person’s enlightenment is not the reason we are all here. We are
all ONE, like many branches on a tree connected to its sturdy trunk. It is our duty to assist those who
are not awakened to the purpose of our state of being. Every person was given a spark of the Creator when
they were created. All are equally loved and appreciated for incarnating into physical bodies to learn
many lessons for self-evolution. The people on the Continent I care for are laboring not for themselves
or their families but for cruel and harsh regimes. They live day to day in fear and must think, do, and
say what they are told with no personal freedom.

Ascended Master Jesus addresses the group: On the Continent I watch over neighboring countries have been
fighting wars for centuries. It is such a tragic loss of life and has accomplished nothing. If something
clearly isn’t working, wouldn’t it be wise to put all that effort into living in peace instead of living
on a battlefield of opposing beliefs? The are so mislead by their dogmas that they cannot see with clarity. At their highest best, all countries share a common ground. Love of the Creator, love of their
families, and love of the Sacredness of Life. What started out as petty differences escalated into narrow
mindedness for thousands of years. The thoughts of millions of people created their unfortunate reality
of war instead of peace. There is only one Creator and it doesn’t matter what name our Source is called.
How can you Believe in a Higher Being that created ALL and then go out and kill what our Creator LOVES?
I can see the love they have for their families and that gives me hope that one day they can extend that
love to one another and co-exist in harmony.

Ascended Master Oshun addresses the group: My Continent was one of the first to be seeded with wonderous
life. The colorful clothing of these ancient people, rituals of dancing, living so close to wildlife, is
an enchanting sight. Most important though are their good and joyful hearts. The climate and conditions
for life can be quite difficult but their thoughts have been to survive and those thoughts have kept them
alive. They have faced internal conflicts as well as raids from other lands with dignity. They want only
one thing and that is to be equal and free. The heartbeat of the planet’s creation was started here.
It is a steady strong beat and holds much power. Their way of life may seem simple to some but they are
blessed living in nature and time is well spend reflecting on ascending closer to God.

Ascended Master Serapis Bey addresses the group: I rejoice in watching the seekers of the truth in my
domain & applaud their effort. The enemy of truth is propaganda and it is difficult to just observe and
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those with focused thoughts will create the future for generations to come. Disassociate discipline with
only punishment and practice the virtue of it for your legacy. When you move forward to the next Dimension, will you be able to say that you did your best? Discipline your mind and meditate to connect
and receive information from the One Universal Mind. Always, trust what you feel inside and never
obediently conform. Question the real motive of leaders who want to take away your freedom. Empty promises, diversions, radical attacks on worthy opponents are not for your best welfare and highest good.
Little by little your birthright freedom if being taken away. Those who have different opinions are slandered, mocked, and persecuted. What happened to “Tolerance”? Doesn’t everyone deserve to choose
their pursuit of happiness? Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean that either one of you
is wrong. What is right and what is wrong is an individual’s moral code not to be diminished by anyone.
Everyone has a voice and that voice has a RIGHT to be heard. You are condemning your children to a most
dismal future if you allow government to have absolute power over everything you think, do, or say.

Ascended Master Gabrielle addresses the group: Communication devices are plentiful in this land I oversee
but talking and listening are almost obsolete. Meaningful conversations have been replaced by a simple
click of like or dislike which I sadly record. Stimulating friendly debates of your beliefs are
non-existant if you have an different view by those who are quick to condemn out of fear of losing control.
It’s terrifying that people are divided into two main groups with such strong viewpoints that they do not
look for common ground. Are you not all of the same Species therefore connected as ONE? Your life forms
are made in the image of your Creator who loves and adores not a single soul more (than you). Time is a
precious gift meant to be spent in what brings you joy. I pray that you do not waste it bowing down to
malevolent authoritarian beings. You chose to live here from whence you came because you wanted liberty.
Trust yourself to know what is good for you and your loved ones. Stand up peacefully to those who want
to indoctrinate you to give up everything you have and desire to make them even more wealthy!!! They
want all YOU have for only THEIR good life, while you toil away to serve their greed.
Support the Constitution and live a great life in the land of the FREE!!!

Ascended Master Saint-Germain addresses the group: The Continent I watch and guard over is loved and hated
with equal vigor. I am a Spiritual Warrior and fight beside you for Freedom, Liberty, and Justice.
The stakes are high with no mediocre compromise. It’s one way or the other and the outcome is created by
your thoughts and expectations manifesting in a World of Light or Darkness. Each and every one of you
transmits thoughts to a universal thought field that determines your fate. What you think and feel is more
powerful than lip service to a particular point of view. Just saying words cannot cause a change, change
comes from your truthful feelings behind what is said. I am giving you a wake-up call to remember who you
are. Reflect deeply on what you want for yourself and your family before you cast a vote for Freedom or
Tyranny! The decision you make will affect your Planet and other Worlds for hundreds of thousands of years
to come. Tread bravely towards Peaceful Co-Existance and we will support and align with you. Those of
like mind are attracted to one another and is a Universal Law but it isn’t just for good, it’s for evil,
too. I trust and believe in you to be Victorious and Free!!!

El Morya and the other Ascended Masters having had their say now depart for their “home” Continents.
They are out there on the edge of their seats watching the “Greatest Show on Earth—
will they be FREE”?

Fear of the Unknown

On a planet far, far away, there was an eerie silence. Life was not thriving but held in a somewhat
suspended animation. There was only minimal activity for basic survival and taking care of the ill
humanoids. Remarkably, the flora and fauna continued to replenish and grow.
In their History Books they were taught about extinct forms of life, never imagining it could be their own!
Arrogance and ignorance paved the road.

The cycle and balance of life was only detrimental to the conscious beings who thought they ruled the World. Life can only continue to exist by the constant expansion of knowledge in being ONE with the Universe. Stifled life equals the end of life. Unforeseen outside forces (like a virus) can cause panic,
justifiably so when the loss of life is unbearable to withhold. The four “P’s”, Preparation Prevents Poor
Performance, is a wise plan of action let it be told.

Life being lived behind closed doors can only be temporary, because if permanent, life might not be
anymore. Watching through windows is enjoyable for a time but must not replace your desire and drive.
Do the right things to shield yourself and others from this formidable foe but be ready to move forward
with Faith, not to quiver with fear. If we all continuously take a few steps forward towards the “normal”
life we want, we can return to lives that are appreciated so much more.
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If you do just one positive uplifting thing a day your mood will elevate and you will feel joy and a
Purpose to your life. If you wallow in misery and worry, constantly complaining, you will descend to the
depths of self-loathing. Boredom is your enemy. Raise your Vibration through prayer, meditation, singing,
dancing, anything that makes you happy. To feel really great perform random acts of kindness. Helping
others is a win-win for all, by bringing them what they need, you receive what you need most of all—

We all chose to be born to experience the highs and lows in life. Blessed be to all you brave souls
living in this time and place. This too shall pass! You are always surrounded by LOVE and never alone.
When you feel like you’ve lost so much, Remember, your Faith is never lost. The mighty Phoenix rose up
and so shall you.

THE VISION QUEST, a children’s story

The adults and children are gathered together under the stars for story time. The fires burn bright and
the warmth and scent is comforting. Our People revere those with the gift of storytelling.
It is how our knowledge of Creation and our history is preserved and carried down through the generations.
Women have always been powerful leaders, healers, and protectors in equal partnership with men. All
children are adored and given much leeway to learn our ways with communal love and patience.
We live in nature and are ONE with nature. All life we take is for our survival (food, clothing, teepees)
and is prayed over and given thanks for giving their life for us. It is never done just for sport.
And now we will hear the story of “The Vision Quest.”

“Grandfather, White Bull and I have packed our ponies for our journey to the Sacred Site of the caverns,”
stated Little Fawn. “I’m almost ready Grandfather,” added White Bull. Grandfather let out a hearty laugh,
for it was well known that White Bull’s “time” was being late or really late. Why is Little Fawn coming
with us anyway?’ Grandfather gave his special “look” and said, “Because I want her to also experience a
vision. I am a Warrior Chief and Shaman (Healer) and we shall see if one or both of you has the Gift.”
Excitedly, White Bull asked what the Gift was that is so special. “It is the gift of Leadership,” answered

Grandfather got on his horse and the three of them rode slowly and in silence to admire the the wildlife.
Grandfather thought to himself that Little Fawn and White Bull would be powerful together and it was
prophesy! They were not siblings, everyone in the tribe called him “Grandfather” out of respect for
his wisdom, loyalty, and sense of humor.

White Bull asked Little Fawn if she was afraid to go into the caverns to receive her vision. “Yes, I am a
little fearful but to actually receive a vision is beyond my wildest dreams. How about you White Bull,
are you a fearless warrior?”, asked Little Fawn. “It is wise to proceed with a little caution to determine
your course of action. To go blindly into any battle is futile and dangerous to yourself and others.”
“White Bull and Little Fawn, I am so proud of you and know that you are ready for this personal spiritual
experience. You will receive great knowledge that will benefit you and our People if you are successful.
Fish, jerky, and your favorite corn muffins Little Fawn, will be enjoyed after your vision quest,”
promised Grandfather.

“Into the darkness and out to the Light, stay safe,” said Little Fawn to White Bull. “You as well, I so
admire your courage Little Fawn.” Grandfather couldn’t help thinking that in a few years White Bull would be admiring her more feminine attributes, also. A baby girl, to be named “White Fawn”, was part of
Grandfather’s Vision Quest when he was a boy. White Bull plus Little Fawn could equal “White Fawn”?
It is prophesy that she will lead the tribe to the Golden Age of Peace and Love. “Go now, I will be here
protecting you with my Light. Little Fawn is to enter the closest cavern and White Bull’s cavern is just
beyond it. Shield yourselves with rainbow light dear ones. After entering the cave of darkness, keep
going until you see a beam of Light, then step into the Light for your Vision.”

As she entered the cavern Little Fawn’s mind began racing with unwelcome thoughts. I’m hungry, tired,
and this is the scariest place I’ve ever been in, and worst of all, I am by myself. What if I don’t
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family. Wait a minute! I must STOP these thoughts NOW. Our People are loving and compassionate and
would never be cruel and demeaning if I failed, as long as I tried my best.
“Very good Little Fawn” (is a voice I heard in my head), You are almost to the Light Column, please step
into the Column.” “Yes, I will, replied Little Fawn. I see the Light now. The lights are very bright
and colorful and I feel like I’m floating. My body is totally relaxed and my mind is calm. I send out a
thought to the Light, “I am open and receptive to all that is good.” Now I see fast moving images—
I am being shown multiple choices I could make and what would happen if I made those choices.

There is one particular vision that makes my heart sing with joy. The other visions are quite nice but
this one I would choose above the others. I see a happy and wonderful life with White Bull and then
the birth of our baby girl. I receive a thought that White Bull is seeing his multiple choices and
outcomes for his life and that he will be choosing what he want the most. The choices between us must be
a match for them to come true. I want him but he must also want me. If they don’t match, other options are always available since many paths lead to the ultimate result which is love and joy. My mind
understands this but my heart desires White Bull,” declares Little Fawn.

As he entered the cavern, White Bull’s mind began racing with unwelcome thoughts. Fear of failure was the
most dominant thought. The more he tried to be brave and fight his fear, the stronger the fear became.
His heart was beating fast, he was gasping for air, and sweating profusely. Then, his Higher Self told
him to Breathe Deeply, in and out, until he was calm. Ignore your fear and it will go away. Focus, focus,
focus on any pleasant thoughts or even just chanting “Peace Be Still.” White Bull felt his fear subside and was shown several choices he could make for a Life Mate, and what would happen if he made those choices. One woman was beckoning his heart, mind, and soul. He wanted her more than any other woman he
was shown. This woman to be, now still so young, was his beloved Little Fawn. He saw their baby daughter
and his heart melted with joy. He also knew that Little Fawn must want him for this to be so.

Little Fawn and White Bull exited the caverns and returned to Grandfather smiling with hand in hand.
Grandfather joyfully announced that this was a match made in Heaven and that their baby girl would be
named, “White Fawn!!!” She would lead the People to many bright and happy new dawns!!!


“This is your Captain, prepare for crash landing”. The Experiencer I is a small compact but powerful
spaceship built for only one planetary landing. The Mission is urgent and details for crew pick-up will
be worked out later. “Lieutenant Viola, status of crew members, please.” “Captain Jol-li, all crew
members are free from injury and ready for action,” replied Viola.
“Senior Healer Jacob, you and “The Healers” meet me in the Briefing room at once”, ordered Captain Jol-li.
“The Healers” bowed in respect to Captain Jol-li and Lieutenant Viola as Senior Healer Jacob proclaimed
their united goal of serving and saving the infected people on this planet, called Sulis.

Jacob has a physical form but the other Healers are a group consciousness of energy that co-exist in the
moving cloud. They simply call themselves “The Healers”, since they are not driven by ego. Regg and Nikk
are twin scouts who will track those infected so they can be treated before it spreads to other planets!
“Regg and Nikk, commence deep state meditation trance and record all infectious sites,” commanded Jol-li.
In unison they replied, “As you wish sir.”
“Our orders from the Council League of Planets are as follows: First, to assist humanoids in healing the
virus. Secondly, to stop the virus from spreading to multiple planets in our Universe. As your Captain,
I caution you that failure is not an option.”

“Permission for the crew to bi-locate Captain”. “Granted, Lieutenant Viola, Our physical/mind body will
remain here working while our light bodies will be exploring planet Sulis. We will divide into two squads,
Trackers Nikk and Regg will join Senior Healer Jacob and “The Healers” locating and eradicating the virus
on the planet. Special Psychic Krista will be assisting Lieutenant Viola and myself in keeping the virus
contained on this planet. Any questions?” “Captain Jol-li, what if we are unsuccessful in destroying
the virus?” asked Nikk.

“Krista, Would you please answer Nikk’s question since you can see, hear, feel, and know future events
with your special psychic gifts?” “Aye, Captain, a few moments are needed to raise my Vibration and tap
into the Universal Mind,” replied Krista.
“I am ready to share my Vision. The future is always ever-changing possibilities, there is never just one
outcome. If we did nothing, the worst scenario is horrific devastation of not only humanoid life but eventually all life on planet Sulis. The “in-balance of nature” in addition to the virus would be the
end of life as it is on planet Sulis. Another possibility is the end of all humanoid life forms exclusively. Still another possibility is the survival of a small percentage of life forms that could
maybe in time rebuild their civilization. Now, imagine these possibilities spreading out to the numerous
planets in our Universe!!! The virus destroying all life on planet after planet would be like a domino
effect in annihilating most of the conscious beings inhabiting those planets!
If we do something, the best scenario is to obliterate the virus on planet Sulis, save lives on this
planet, thereby saving trillions of lives on other planets in our Universe. Another scenario, rather
unpleasant, is the destruction of planet Sulis to save lives on all the other planets. Anything can
happen, that is the present and the future.”

“I have a few more words to say before we disembark,” said Captain Jol-li. I believe and trust in each
and every one of you and it is my honor and privilege to work along side of you. I know, without any
doubt, that planet Sulis and the other planets will prevail. We will witness the magnificence of our
most precious treasure, that of LIFE.”

“Alright, Regg and Nikk, time to go with me and The Healers and conquer this virus,” said Jacob.
“Lieutenant Viola and Krista, we must notify the individual Councils on each planet and the High Council
of our progress. We need strategies and we need them now for all of these possibilities,” said Jol-li.
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“Nikk and Regg, I need you to go ahead and scan for infected life forms, the Healers and I will join you
shortly,” said Jacob. “Affirmative, Regg and I are on our way, sir.” “Healers, it is time for us to
merge and prepare ourselves for mass healings,” said Jacob. “Yes, Jacob, we are ready for you to merge
with us.” Jacob and the Healers Consciousness is now ONE but made up of individual personalities.
They are energy Beings of Light that will focus and send laser beams of blue, gold, and white to eradicate
the virus and a green beam of light to complete the healing. Through their thoughts they can transport
themselves anywhere on the planet.

Meanwhile, Captain Jol-li has been ordered by the League of Councils that the virus must be stopped at all
costs, even the destruction of planet Sulis. This weighs heavily on the Commander’s heart. He understands
the logic of the sacrifice of one planet for the survival of the other planets but it isn’t going to happen
on his watch. “Lieutenant Viola, Special Psychic Krista, what say you about our dilemma?”
“This is a primitive planet but they are capable of space travel, we have no choice but to sabotage any
attempts they make to go off-planet and contaminate the other planets in our Universe,” regretfully added
Lieutenant Viola. “I concur, added Krista, the virus cannot spread any further than planet Sulis.”

Regg and Nikk see the Healers cloud form appear next to them. “Jacob, here is the data showing the
location of each infected person in this quadrant.” “Well done, Regg and Nikk, the Healers and I will
commence our Light Beams to fight this virus at once.” Jacob and the Healers were ecstatic and relieved,
it seemed to be working and they went to the other three quadrants spreading their beams and the planet
was for a time, virus free. Unfortunately, the virus appeared AGAIN, even STRONGER than before to the
dismay of Captain Jol-li and the crew. “This is Captain Jol-li, everyone report back to our space craft
immediately. The High Council and Planet Councils has ordered that planet Sulis be destroyed to protect
the other planets from the virus. A collective gasp of disbelief was heard from all crew members.
What caused the virus to come back?” the Captain pondered.

Krista spoke up and said, “I think I can answer that question. We did everything right but I sense that
the people themselves brought the virus back. You see, they are so focused and obsessed with the virus
that their group energy is making it grow and grow. Thoughts are very powerful and the thoughts of so
many on this one thing creates their REALITY.” “Exactly, and we must come up with a way to STOP their
THOUGHTS,” Viola added. “What about some sort of planet hypnosis to stop their thoughts?” asked Jacob.
“Some people resist hypnosis said the Captain, still I think you’re on the right track Jacob. Not stop
but ALTER their THOUGHTS and I have just the right remedy in mind.”
“Captain, asked the Healers, you are not going to drug them are you?” “Well, if given the choice
between being blown up or drugged up—it seems the better alternative,” responded Jol-li.

“We have the technology to saturate the entire planet and WE would still be UNKNOWN to them in accordance
with our Planetary Directive. It is a safe herb and will help them to mellow out and think happy
thoughts and then the virus will cease to exist because it will be ignored.” “Aye Captain, do you need a
volunteer to sample it first,” joked Nikk. The High Council was amazed and in awe regarding the low
numbers of infections and then that there were no infections at all. The planet Sulis is free of the
virus and their way of life was thriving again. Captain Jol-li and the crew returned to the Mother Ship
catching a ride on the “Harvest Shuttle”. They made a pact not to disclose their solution to the Council
but to let them think that it was just the laser beam healings. And they all lived “Happily Ever After”.

Speak Your Mind

The words we speak can be misinterpreted and twisted so how can we communicate truthfully?
What is my truth is not necessarily your truth. It’s good to have differences of opinion and is
necessary for all of our evolution and the evolution of our planet Earth.
Look past what is separating us and instead look for common ground. I might not like what you believe,
say, or how you act, but I believe that we are all here for a Higher Purpose.

The truth is not out there but is alive and well inside of you. We are all connected spiritually but are
free to explore and seek out, as individuals, knowledge.
Let’s agree that it’s okay to disagree and freely speak our mind. Do you want the future of our planet
to be inhabited by robot-like human beings afraid to be free thinking and different? A desire for
something better, the willingness to take risks, thinking outside the box is beneficial progress. Please, do not let your spirit be crushed or creativity stifled by tyranny. Let’s unite by practicing
the virtue of Tolerance. Let’s not divide by imposing our will and judgment on anyone.

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strength over obstacles and feeling alone. You are never alone, we are all ONE, and our Creator is part
of us. You are all equally beautiful and wise spiritual beings who incarnated here and now to make a
difference, good or bad, it’s your choice. I believe in all of you Lightworkers and those with a good
compassionate heart to shine your Light to the Victory of love and peace!

Much love,
Thank you for your service to planet Earth.

What signal are you sending to the Universe?

Where do I begin? I see twelve doors which lead to twelve different dimensions.
I can choose to live a life behind any or all of the doors or to simply stay in the Dimension of Love.
I am who I am no matter what form I take or whatever dimension I am experiencing life in to advance towards
our Creator. I choose my life path from the Highest Realm and am enthused and excited to be born.
The JOY is the same whether you live 1 day or 100 years—it’s all about your Highest Purpose of what
lessons not only you learn but the lessons your family and friends will learn from your birth and “death”,
which is just returning to the Happiest Place in Creation!

In physical form I have deeply grieved when being separated from those I have loved with all my heart.
Family and friends have grieved for me when I left the physical realm of past lives to return to the
spiritual realm where we all came from and will return to.

We all have been given the greatest gift ever of ETERNAL LIFE. All the emotions we feel through our
experiences and relationships, the joys and tribulations, contribute to our everlasting evolving souls.
Our personalities and positive attributes continue forward, only negativity is left behind.

Everyone who has chosen to be born into physical life is admired and honored for their bravery to advance
quickly instead of at a slower pace by staying in the Dimension of Love. You are all Pioneers who have
shaped the Earth to what it is today and what it will be tomorrow. Every soul has made a difference just
by being born and through your growth and awareness the Earth, other planets, and Universes also raise
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FYI, you cannot hide or fake your true thoughts or feelings by just going through the motions. For example
Your Vibration (the signal you send out to the Universe) is like a spiritual infallible lie detector.
Your Vibration attracts other similar Vibrations and that is a Universal Law which brings Harmony.
Picture a large group of people in which some like Science, others like Sports or Music, and so on—
People thrive in groups that have similar interests and this is very satisfying for them. If you were with
a group and didn’t like their interests, you would not be very happy. This has nothing to do with Earthly
things like gender, race, age, etc. it has to do with what BRINGS YOU JOY!!!

This Universal Law is the same in the Dimension of Love and here on Earth, the Law of Attraction.
It doesn’t matter if you like or dislike someone or what they do or believe because our Creator gave us
ALL FREE WILL. We ALL have a SPECIAL HIGHER PURPOSE for our lives. Some people are having a harder time
because they do not have clarity that there is a Bigger Picture in our Creator’s Divine Plan.
None of us KNOW our Creator’s Plan but what brings PEACE is KNOWING the our Creator has a Plan and our
Creator is LOVE.