Once Upon A Time deep in the forest lived a girl and boy with their Grandma Mo. Brooke and Creeke were
home-schooled and their knowledge progressed rapidly with the loving devotion of their teacher,
Miss Lilith. They didn’t have cell phones or television but all of nature befriended and entertained
them. Grandma baked delicious desserts and told funny stories by a fire at night. Miss Lilith lived just
down the road and taught all the children in the neighborhood. Life was wonderful except Brooke & Creeke’s
parents (Dawn and Dusk) were gone forming a task force to save their habitat from further destruction.
No one was certain when they would return home.

Creeke and Brooke excitedly studied such topics as plant medicine, astronomy, meteorology, biology, and
wildlife preservation. All the children were taught about the importance of the balance of nature.
The villagers spend their “free time” cleaning garbage out of streams and other bodies of water.
The fish were rapidly dying before they could procreate and this was alarming news. Too many trees were
being slaughtered before new ones could even be planted. Poachers were mercilessly killing animals by
catching them in painful traps and not caring about their reducing numbers. Yes, the cycle of life is
about the food chain but care must be taken so nothing becomes extinct. Those who lawfully hunted and
fished were keeping Mother Nature balanced and were welcomed into the forest.

Meanwhile, at the task force meeting were Dusk and Dawn, the parents of Brooke and Creeke. “Our land and
homes are being demolished and we have to keep on moving, cried out Dawn. Our children are saddened by
all the death and destruction they see and are afraid of what the future might bring. This planet is for
all of us to share, not just for one (human) species. The land roamed by wildlife is shrinking and they
hunger and thirst.” “My wife’s words are true, added Dusk, and we must do all we can to stop the litter
and contamination. I suggest seeking out those humans who have great compassion for their environment
and who will be our advocates.”

Miss Lilith spoke up and said, “This will be a wonderful educational lesson for our children to undertake.
Adults and children can work on this together. The children will locate the humans based on their auras
who are of good heart and the adults can infuse great knowledge while the humans sleep.”

Back at Grandma Mo’s cottage—Brooke and Creeke were happily out picking blackberries so Grandma could
make her blackberry tarts. “Creeke, we can see and hear humans but only a few of them can see and hear
us, why is that so?” asked Brooke. “Well, replied Creeke, all life on this planet has a vibration and
the humans who sense us are living at a much higher vibration than the rest of them. Many more humans
could contact us if they spent more time outdoors in nature and quietly meditated. Some humans enjoy
being outdoors because it makes them feel happy and healthy. The trees, flowers, birds, and Fairy
realm elevate their mood. Their joy adds to our joy of being caretakers of this planet.”

The following morning Dusk and Dawn returned home to their families to tell the children about their
assignment to scout for human auras and how they would then transmit loving messages to save the planet from further harm. Dawn and Dusk gave their precious children Creeke and Brooke and kiss and hug while
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green, pink, yellow, and orange. Fairy children can easily see the auras of humans, it is their
special gift.

“My dear beloved wife Dawn, have I told you today how much I love and adore you?” asked Dusk. “Okay,
what do you want my dear beloved husband?” Dawn playfully responded. “We cannot do much until the
children return with the locations of empathetic humans, so why don’t we go on a little getaway, I
have something special to show you,” added Dusk. “How exciting, I am ready to go Dusk!”
Hand in hand they flew with Dusk leading the way on their little trip while making sure Dawn’s eyes were
closed to be surprised. “We’re here, open your eyes Dawn.” “Oh Dusk, it is so enchanting, I love it and
so will the children. Everything is lush and the flora and fauna are thriving here.”

All the Fairy men worked to build a castle for their families and they were spread out far apart in a circle. In the middle were gardens, waterfalls, and playgrounds. Another section had musical instruments
and dance floors. There were learning centers for all ages with magnificent architecture. Any desired
activity could be programmed in seconds. Everything a fairy could want was instantly manifested for their

“But, the Fairy Women have a surprise, as well, Dawn announced. Many women at various times over the next
several months will be giving Birth!!! Our new bountiful land and homes is a blessing for all.”
Dusk couldn’t stop himself, he had to ask, “Are you pregnant too, my dear wife?” With a twinkle in her
eye and a glow to her face Dawn answered, “Yes, my love, it’s almost my due date.” “Words cannot express
my joy, said Dusk, but I place my lips in a kiss to yours so you can feel my love.”

Shortly after Dusk and Dawn had returned home, Brooke and Creeke came running in the house with incredible
news. Guess what, we found several humans who have the shining light around their bodies and here are
their addresses!” exclaimed Brooke. The whole village was being called to the city square where the adults
were given names of kind and caring humans who would be open to receiving their pleading messages to take
better care of the Earth. Later that evening when the chosen humans slept, they were sent dreams of their
beautiful planet, clean and pure as it was in the beginning. Humans carelessly polluting the land, water,
and sky must cease at once. Tossing garbage and life threatening materials that harmed creatures on the
land, and in the sea and air, was a horrific sight to see. This must change for all species to live in
balance and survive.

Oh Happy Day! Eventually, the humans became aware of the damage they did to their environment (and ours)
and focused on cleaning up their mess. We praise them for striving to be better caretakers of this planet
we all share and want to co-exist in peace and harmony. The Fairies had moved to their new castle homes
and were celebrating by singing and dancing. The births of many Fairy girls and boys ensure that the
environment will flourish. All gave thanks and appreciate all life forms that were created. When you go
outside in nature and you feel so good, it would please the Fairies if you just said “Hello”.
We are all on this planet together.
And We All Lived Happily Ever After!

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