I’M JUST SAYIN’ (Saint Germain, Archangel Michael, Beloved Jesus) channeled messages

The Importance of You! (Saint Germain) The worst torture of the mind and body is fear. It’s effect is
crippling even deep in your soul. Be informed but do not dwell upon the rantings of unbalanced minds.
You know who you are, remember always who you are, you are a child of God. No matter what happens, this
too shall pass, and you shall forever walk with God throughout your eternal life. You are not a separate
forgotten entity but a vital and much loved part of our Creator.
Let me provide some clarity—The global battle is not about race, gender, religion, or even middle of the
road political beliefs for any party. It is and always has been good v. evil. Apathy is not a good choice
and is not beneficial. It was not your intention to be born at this time and place to merely be a spectator. There have always been movers and shakers who take the lead whether for Freedom or Oppression.
The rest of the population were able to live “normal lives” in the pursuit of happiness and their dreams.

Right here, right now, the climax has been reached and there is no mediocrity. It’s either one way or the
other and lightness over darkness is not a slam dunk. This isn’t meant to scare you, it is to prepare you
for this truth—sometimes evil prevails. You can’t nor should you attempt to ignore what is going on around you. A more peaceful and calm approach is to distract yourself through prayer, meditation, chanting, music, art, gardening, etc. in these times of chaos and unrest. Do something creative that makes
your heart sing with joy to keep from sinking lower into despair. If you feel helpless and alone, filled
with anxiety and depression, consumed with the fear of the unknown, please-please-please ask for Angels to
come to your aide. Confide in them like they are your BFF because that is just what they want to be.
They love you unconditionally and will be right by your side instantly. Ask them to guide you, protect you, keep you and your loved ones safe, comfort you in your grief, send healing light; whatever you need
as long as it is not harmful to you or others.

Do you love your right kidney more than your left kidney? Isn’t that a crazy ridiculous question?
Our Creator is LOVE and EVERYONE and EVERYTHING was created out of LOVE. True equality is our Creator’s
love for each and every human being. God does not play favorites. As yourself, do you believe yourself
to be above God by declaring any kind of superiority over another person? God does not love one of his/her
creations more than another. Simply put, God does not love his Angels more than his children (human beings). GOD IS LOVE and all of you are blessed with being unique and absolutely adored by your Creator.

Listen to your own wise Inner voice and refuse to follow like sheep. Reflect upon what is harmonious,
peaceful, and just. Our time on this planet is short when you realize that you are an eternal being with
eternal life. When it is your time to go to a Higher Dimension, only you will judge yourself. We’re all
here for a Purpose to learn and experience joy and sorrow and many, many things for God and our own self-
evolution to be closer to God. There isn’t a prize for being a CEO or college grad, etc. Do you know what
is honored and revered the most in Heaven? Joy, Appreciation, and Love are the Highest Vibrations.
Following the Golden Rule of treating others how you want to be treated is spiritually applauded.
The “celebrities” on the Other Side aren’t acknowledged by their accumulation of wealth at the expense of
dysfunctional family life. The cheering in Heaven is for the small things like carrying groceries for the
elderly, reading a story to a child, feeding the birds and feral cats, listening to a friend who is
distressed, being generous, and so on. It’s also about taking care of yourself so you can shine your light.

Never compare yourself to another feeling unworthy. The spark of God is within you all. I will tell
you what is valued in Heaven: random acts of kindness, and we can all do them no matter what our income
is at this temporary home on Earth. Just SMILING at someone is being kind. Accumulating material
things, college degrees, status symbols, are okay as long as you are of good heart and place people
above your prized possessions. It’s a matter of prioritizing. First comes loving God, yourself, and
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your place in Heaven or God’s love. Isn’t that Wonderful???

Urgent Message from Archangel Michael: They look like you, they talk like you, but the blood in their
veins is not human. If you are lost and wondering what happened to your normal life, you are not alone,
many feel the same. There is a horrific war being fought above the Earth with opposite agendas for your
planet. Benevolent v. Malevolent intentions for all of Earth’s dwellers are indeed high stakes.
They have brought their war down to planet Earth and for years have been cloning people of influence and
power. Malevolents have infiltrated the government, schools, media, and many more strategic positions
to conquer from within. They easily control the minds of the unawakened masses. The Malevolents are the
secretive evil forces manipulating the crowds for their own purpose of global tyrannical rule.
They are using people to do their dirty work which is the total destruction and collapse of the entire
human civilization. Malevolents are amused watching humans toil so hard while they reap the rewards of
their precious resources. By the time people realize they have been duped, it will be too late.
Food, water, shelter, clothing, the basic needs of life, will be taken away from the Earthers. The basic
core for any civilization, is at least a loose set of laws for individuals to co-exist in safety and peace.
Civilizations do not thrive in FEAR, they crumble.

The outer space Benevolents are fighting the Malevolents for our Freedom, however, they cannot interfere with what is happening ON the Earth. Many things are out of your control but each of you can take control
of YOURSELF! Refuse to blindly follow any group that is not based in goodness and light. Quiet your mind
and meditate to receive Divine Guidance and the TRUTH. Every person determines Earth’s fate towards
love and harmony or hate and despair. The CHOICE is YOURS, but consider and have some compassion for
future generations and the kind of life they will have or if you don’t choose wisely, won’t have!!!

Jesus loves you now and always and this is a special message for YOU! The human race has survived by being
able to adapt to change. Change is inevitable and necessary for the evolution of creation. All would cease to exist without moving forward. Be True to Thine Own Self is your magnificent mission. Each and
every one of you is being tested like all who came before you. All names are written in the sacred scrolls
as an eternal history of your participation in eternal life. Forgiving yourself and others is not about
approving the bad behavior but in freeing yourself from the heavy burden of being consumed by the act.
Your Creator sees, hears, and knows everything so rest assured that Justice will prevail. I advise you
with utmost urgency not to place anyone or anything above whatever your name for God is dear ones.
During times of confusion ask yourself if what you are doing is loving or hateful. How does it make you
FEEL? Be honest with yourself and be a LEADER OF YOUR OWN LIFE.

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