We are the “Watchers”. We have been observing the daily activity of
Conscious Beings all around your World. Collectively, we refer to your
species as “the Doers”. Each and every one of you is part of a Dimensional
Reality Show. We recognize you by the colors and intensity of light emitting
from your physical bodies.

We do not have solid bodies but can choose any form we want and we enjoy
changing our appearances like you change clothes. This story is not about
“you”, it is a story about “us”. We deem it necessary to make our existence
known to you because you will soon be evolving from a very long period in
one Dimension to a rapid major jump into a much Higher Dimension.

We are cheering for you and assist in ways unknown to you at present.
This might be a good time to inform you that there are other Beings watching
and assisting you not towards Freedom but towards Tyranny.

Everyone who has lived on planet Earth since the beginning of its creation
has left a part of its consciousness/thoughts that contribute to Mother
Earth’s expansion and growth. You possess much power, mostly with your
thoughts and very little from your actions.

Our Story:

There are three planets in our star system with conscious life but each is
unique in its occupants and beliefs.
One planet (Aurora) wishes to move into the next Higher Dimension.
One planet (Noir) opposes moving forward and demands to stay in the
Lower Dimension.
One planet (Phoenix) is undecided with some of the population for evolving
and some unwilling to change.
This planet (Phoenix) will be the deciding factor between going towards
the Light or remaining in spiraling Darkness.

A Long Time Ago, the entire Consciousness of an entire planet was merged into
one life form. Soon after the two other planets did the same transformation into
one life form for each planet. Imagine the thoughts and feelings of the entire
worlds of Aurora, Noir, and Phoenix intertwined and placed into one life form
representing each planet!

The Representatives of each planet met at the communal space station to
decide the future for their collective planets. Planet Aurora was ready to
expand and move forward towards more universal love, peace, and working
together in harmony. Planet Noir refused to evolve to where the accumulation
of wealth, non-tolerance of different beliefs, and wide spread violence,
was NOT a way of life. Planet Phoenix had a mixture of both Aurora
and Noir.

The collective Conscious Beings of the Phoenix will choose the life for billions
of life entities. The Aurora consciousness is sending its constant bright shining
light of love to the Phoenix collective Consciousness. The Noir consciousness
is sending powerful mind-controlling thoughts of great wealth and powerful
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The Phoenix has collapsed after being bombarded so forcefully by two
opposite viewpoints and desires. A glimmer of hope and a sparkle of trust in goodness
and light beats in the heart of the Aurora. As the Mighty Phoenix rises the darkness
of the Noir is absorbed into Creations Light and is reborn with a higher purpose in
living life. The Phoenix rises even higher as their lower entities begin to see the

The Aurora, Noir, and Phoenix remain physically separate planets but are
now truly ONE with each other and individual life forms are also living in
their previous bodies but with much more Light.
The three planets have made the transition to the Higher Dimension of
unconditional love, and they bask in joy, appreciation, and FREEDOM!

To our Earth friends, who are so similar to us, we love and welcome you
to the Higher Dimensions, never give up!!!

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