Dislike at First Sight

The sport of “Body Block” (Judo origin) has evolved into a sport of Judo moves with super strength, mobility, acrobatics, and strategy. Teams of three compete against teams of three at the same time and may team up 1 against 3 or any other variables for added excitement and difficulty.

The sport of “Body Strike (Karate origin) has evolved into a sport of Karate moves enhanced with lightning fast kicks and chops, super speed, acrobatic flying, and strategy.
Body Strike also consists of teams of three against their opponents teams of three.

The Space Olympic Opening Ceremonies were holograms representing each athlete with basic information such as planet represented, sport, and a short biography of the athlete. The spectators in all the arena seats were however, very much alive and waited in anticipation to cheer for their favorites.

The largest arena was reserved for “Dinosaur Riders”, similar to Bull riding but much more dangerous and thrilling. “Surfing with Predators” was also very popular, the winner not only had to ride the waves with perfect form but also had to survive the attacks from hungry ferocious predators. Some other popular events were “Mountain Climbing” with no safety lines, “Track and Field” was running from rabid dogs and clearing hurdles of barbed wire.

Then, of course, were the more traditional sports of “Body Block” and “Body Strike”. The winning team members advance to coach their sport for the next Olympics and the losing team members are banished to a boot camp of their sport to train again for the next Olympics.

“Body Block Athletes to the Northwest Arena,” announced the Games Facilitator (a good Reptilian) named Zorn. Ophelia, Meta, and Ginny stood on one side of the playing field and were shortly joined by three female Androids who were made to resemble the Pleiadian athletes!

Let the Games commence shouted Zorn above the noise of the crowd. “Remember the Ancient Ones, the Judoka, who practiced this gentle Art, and use the Androids own force to defeat them”, advised Princess Ophelia. “You got that right sister, those machines are going down,” replied Ginny. Meta added her own advice, “When you’re done with a device, you unplug it, let’s get ready to deactivate these three living being wannabes.”

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The three Androids were ready, they were always ready and have never lost. Losing was not a part of their programming, only winning at all costs. No mercy for your opponent, only concealed contempt of these inferior beings.

Besides using the Androids own weight to give momentum to their Judo throws, the Pleiadians were going to take it one step further. “ We can merge their “brains” with our brains to bombard them with emotion, which is completely foreign to them, which will confuse and fry their brains,” explained Princess Ophelia.

With the speed of Flash, the strength of Hercules, and the wisdom of Athena, the three Pleiadians attacked the female Androids who looked like them. The Androids were lying on the ground and if their faces could show astonishment, that is what would be seen.

Watching the Pleiadian victory in the stands were the three Arcturian Body Strike athletes, Nathaniel, Travis, and Crockett. They clearly looked smitten with the now famous Pleiadian Super Stars, Ophelia, Meta, and Ginny.

Later that day Zorn again announced “Let the Games commence.” The Body Strike Team of Nathaniel, Travis, and Crockett were up against three Big Foot looking contestants who clearly were superior in size and strength. “Hmm, is it too late to enter the needle point competition?” joked Crockett. Travis pondered a moment and replied with, “Let’s petition the Games Commissioner, I’m sure we’ll get a response, unfortunately it will be after we’re long dead and forgotten.” “Okay you jesters, listen up now,” commanded Nathaniel.

My game plan goes back to a planet called Earth when they engaged in what was called “Dirty Street Fighting”. Here’s how to Body Strike fight these Hairy Beasts: Kick em in the balls, Poke em in the eyes, Be creative guys, Our lives are on the line! In an instant the three Hairy Opponents lay on the ground, covering their eyes and cradling their manly treasures.
The three Pleiadian Body Block Athletes admired the testosterone show of the three
Arcturians, and gave them flirty looks with their eyes.

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