Caspian, I think our friends are coming down from the hill for our meeting of the minds. Over here, over here, I shout and wave.” “Kendra, stop and shield”. Immediately, we use our gift to change our physical composition to hide inside a tree close by. Unfortunately, we can only maintain this for several minutes before being jolted out of our host and back to our natural physical size.
“Caspian, I am so sorry, please forgive me for jeopardizing our lives but I was too excited to see our kindred clans.” “I love you Kendra and as long as I love you, I will always forgive you”. “When you squeezed my hand so tenderly you sent your cell memory to join with mine. I love you Caspian, I hope to someday be a co-creator with you. Not co-creating like we do to exist but to Romantically co-create.” “We are safe now Kendra, the Alternate Ones did not see us and are going away.” “Let’s go back to our real bodies now, okay Caspian.” “I’m ready, let our minds take over now to transfer us back.”
“Hey you two, playing mind games without us, said Fawn while giving her heart mate White Bull, a knowing grin.” “Oh, Viola and Jol-li have just arrived.” Nice try changing the subject Kendra but we want details, we saw you and Caspian and then poof,
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“Kendra”!, Fawn and Viola say at the same time, “tell us what happened.” I thought I saw you my friends but it was a group of Alternates coming towards us. Thank the stars Caspian had us shield ourselves before we were discovered. My heart mate’s quick evaluation of one more person in their group than in our group saved our lives. He’s my heart hero!”
“Heart hero”, I caught that said Fawn. You are using our clans most important word, heart (love) frequently so may you and Caspian be Blessed and Protected in your Life Paths to be merged for Victory and Service to our tribe.” The three women share a quiet moment to give Thanks to the Highest One of Love before planning the Celebration of “Hearts United”.

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