“Now, there are six Shining Light Warriors standing here today. Listen now to your Mission and Know that by our Universal Law of Free Choice if you accept our decline your mission that there is no disgrace,” said the Keepers of Light.

Cultures have Legends and these Legends are always based on some sort of particle of truth. Stories about the “Alternate Ones” range from them being genetically deformed by our preferences, brainless brutes, or even geniuses. All are possible but in this Earth’s Reality the horrific truth is that they are Soul-less!

They have no conscience so there is never any remorse for all the evil they do. We have for eons of time, witnessed their dastardly deeds. Your mission is to use an ancient Earth Weapon known as a shotgun to annihilate the Alternate Ones. You must aim for the right side of their chest and hit their soul-less heart to kill them. This is the final Battle for the Earth, Earth V that is, the previous Earths were destroyed by darkness. If the light doesn’t win, then tyranny and darkness will take over our beloved planet until the End of Times.
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Six Warriors of Light, what is your answer, will you accept or decline your mission?” All six Warriors answered, “we accept the mission and pledge to you victory or die”.
“On behalf of the Earth and all planets, galaxies, & universes,which will also be affected by what happens on Earth, we Light Keepers salute you! Our gratitude, love, and support we offer to you continuously. Tomorrow please go to the Training Center for Advanced Warriors.”

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